Why Are We Doing This?
Why doesn't the government do something like this?
It can't.
The government is the focus of interest groups, almost none of which align with any other.
Between them, they have permanent conflicts of interest.
When one reaches for its goal, others pull in the opposite direction.
We're not waiting for Washington to deliver real solutions to real problems, anymore.
It won't because it can't.

Small Business Needs Help Now.
Structure, Focus, Numbers, Allies, Power & You, Now.
Everyone at The Thinking Man’s Union owns &/or works in a Small Business.
Two to forty-nine employees.
For years, we’ve seen predatory practices use our Needs – healthcare, pensions, government – against us.
Peddling artificial high prices, they siphon off our wealth.
We figured we needed Help from a serious national-level champion.
So we formed The Thinking Man’s Union, to provide Structure & Focus, with which to build Numbers, and
We affiliated with The Iron Workers Union, whose leaders have proven themselves to be great Allies.
There is safety in being in the middle of a herd & Power in that herd.
That’s how we got the BEST healthcare coverage on Earth.
Better than any Federal Employee gets.
$205 / month. $495 / month Family. The same price for everyone.
We took a thing that had been used against us and reversed it.
Great Healthcare & Pensions ...
Two things you can only get from a Union, anymore.
By definition, Unions are single-interest groups. Their members align with each other, in having an industry or economic sector in common.
With everyone pulling in one direction, real solutions can be developed & delivered.
You are the small business next door to other small businesses. You are the customer of some, the vendor to others.
You have all endured an awful lot.
Now, is there really anyone left who wants to ‘wait & see what happens’?
How much more do we have to see?
We're solving Small Business problems because the government can't.
And we can.​
Small businesses have an advantage that large businesses don’t.
Accountability of everyone involved, to everyone involved.
Owners & Employees are close, often one and the same. No one can hide.
A Union of Small Businesses is similarly advantaged by being of, by, and for Small Business.
Hostage-taking is not an option.
Problems get solutions.
Would the UAW make any sense in the context of your business?
It doesn’t make any sense in ours.
Everyone at The Thinking Man’s Union owns &/or works in a small business.
We know personally the problems of small businesses … like how to manage risk,
get a pension, and lower the cost of healthcare.
So we created & deliver solutions ... like
BETTER healthcare coverage than any Federal Employee has.
$205 / month. For everyone - Owners & Employees alike - same price.
$495 / month Family.
Accountability is a solution too.
That's why we're called 'The Thinking Man’s Union' and why ‘We’re not just any Union.’
Small businesses can turn on a dime. (with the right resource)
Large businesses have a hard (impossible) time adapting to change.
Everyone wants their healthcare to work better … a better price and a better way.
But how do we get there from here?
Imagine working for some huge corporation, where you stand up and say,
“People only buy our product because they have no choice.
Let’s ditch it, invent something way more useful, and sell it at a lower price.”
“Yes, the company will make less money, pay out less to investors, and thousands of our employees will lose their jobs, but what the heck.”
There’s no mechanism for that to happen.
No path.
Too many stakeholders … and too many stakeholders invested in the dysfunction.
Decades ago, Microsoft committed to overcome its own internal institutional obstruction of innovation & adaptability.
It’s still trying.
Likewise Government: Huge donors / industry interest groups effectively wield a veto.
The Right Resource
Unions have none of those barriers.
No investors. No donors.
No conflicting interest group.
Only a Union can (easily) deliver what its customers - its Members - want :
The BEST Healthcare coverage on Earth.
$205 / month.
$495 / month Family.
Only a Union does deliver this, but not just any Union.
The Thinking Man’s Union
(15 minutes)