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Surge Capacity

3 minutes

Just now, as America was assaulted with COVID, we saw people die from the government’s refusal to allow them treatment for their non-COVID diseases.

People with heart disease, cancer … all went unattended … left to die.  They became casualties; some became fatalities.

The government had commandeered ALL medical personnel to treat COVID (and no one else) – a wildly inappropriate & disproportionate action that guaranteed neglect of baseline civilian needs.  The government surprised everyone with this move and threatened medical personnel with loss of their livelihoods, even imprisoning some who dared to defy government dictates.

Ever since 9-11-2001, when America was assaulted with planes deliberately crashed into buildings and thousands of civilians died, federal policy-makers have mulled the idea of creating surge capacity in our health care system:

A constantly maintained reserve-supply of medical personnel, standing ready to deliver needed medical care to civilian casualties of catastrophic events – catastrophic weather events, explosions & fires, civil unrest, or civilian casualties of war.Much like the military plans for war casualties, in addition to the peace-time baseline needs of its service members.

The 9-11 Report explicitly defined the need and urged action.

Yet, the federal government did nothing.  Maybe it doesn’t know how.

Maybe the task is too great.

If the government won’t, or can’t, provide Surge Capacity Without Sacrificing Baseline Civilian Needs, we civilians will have to come at the problem from the other side:

  • Reserve our own medical personnel for our own baseline civilian needs.  Take back control.

The Main Street Local Chapter of The Iron Workers has done just this. 

In cooperation with The CARE in America Foundation, our medical plans:

  • Protect members from harebrained, wholesale government confiscation of medical personnel.  Each plan includes not only the very best PPO, but an entire Registry of Physicians under contract to Union members.  These physicians are not dependent on the government for payment.

  • Other medical personnel, who remain dependent on government sources for payment, can now define a separate, defined pool of surge capacity that does not overlap or sacrifice civilian needs.


The CARE in America Foundation is the only entity in the US (and the world) with experience & success in building & sustaining medical capacity with personnel in sufficient numbers & with appropriate ranges of expertise.


Our Plans fix healthcare … plain & simple.

That’s why we call The Main Street Local “The Thinking Man’s Union”.


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